6th Week of Pregnancy: What to Expect From the Expecting Mother and the Would-be Baby

Congratulations! It’s been a little less than a week since you conceived and shared the good news with your partner and the rest of your family. No doubt you’re excited about this feeling of embracing motherhood. However, by 6th week of your pregnancy, both your body and mind already have started sinking into the feeling of pregnancy. You’ll be experiencing many not-so-funny symptoms to support the development of your baby. 

So, find out what you can expect from the 6th week of your pregnancy. 

How is Your Baby in the 6th Week of Pregnancy 

By visiting the healthcare provider this month, you’ll get a lot of clarity about the development of your baby. So, see how your baby’s developing during this time.

  • Your baby will be very tiny, almost about 1/8 to 1/4 inch in length from head to toe.
  • The baby will develop a small tail, and that will eventually become a spinal column or spinal cord.
  • The baby’s heart will mostly be a cluster of cells. Sometime after the 5th week of pregnancy, the baby’s heart will start pulsating. However, from the ultrasound scans in the 6th week of your pregnancy, you’ll witness or hear the heartbeat of the baby. Quite interestingly, at this stage, the heart tube of the baby will be divided into four chambers and will start beating like a tiny drum. Your baby’s heart may even beat faster than you – about 100 or 160 beats per minute.
  • Apart from the baby’s heart, some of the other major organs like the liver and kidney will start taking shape from now.
  • Your baby’s facial features have started to develop in the form of dark spots by now. The eyes, ears, and nostrils will appear as little dark holes at this stage. The structure of the ear will start pushing inwards. Moreover, there will be a few folds below the developing brain of the baby, which will further emerge into the baby’s neck, jaws, and tongue.
  • Certain small buds will develop into your little one’s legs and arms. The legs are curled up against the torso.
  • Your baby’s head and a thin layer of skin will be formed by now and that is quite distinctly seen in the ultrasound.

How Is Your Body and Mind Changes in the 6th Week of Pregnancy

6th week of pregnancy means you’re in the first trimester of your pregnancy. You’re almost two months pregnant. Thanks to your developing baby and the soaring pregnancy hormones the signs or symptoms are going to hit you in full force at this stage. So, find out how your body and mind are changing according to the pregnancy demands.

  • Morning sickness is common at this stage. 80% of you get this feeling during the first trimester, and the soaring pregnancy hormones (soaring Human chorionic gonadotropin  (hCG) have a very big role to play in this. As the name suggests, “morning sickness” will not be limited to morning only. You’re more likely to vomit or feel nauseous in the afternoon, and evening as well as at night. Usually, you’re expected to feel better by the time you enter the second trimester.
  • Hormonal fluctuations can reduce your power to digest the food that you eat. This can make your tummy feel bloated and you may feel constipated. Along with this, you’ll also get a metallic taste in your mouth.
  • The constant flux in the hormones as well as the increased flow of blood in the pelvic region and kidney can make both more efficient than before. This can make you feel the need to visit the bathroom quite often. 
  • This urge to pee won’t just disrupt your sleep, you’ll also feel very tired.
  • The morning sickness, fatigue, and insomnia are going to make you feel very moody, cranky as well and irritable.
  • Since your uterus is gradually expanding, you’ll feel period-like cramps and pains in the stomach.
  • At this stage, you may feel your breasts tender and tingling. There may be larger and darker areolas surrounding the nipples, and nipple sores will not be uncommon.

You’ll get headaches, strange pregnancy cravings, heightened sense of smell, light vaginal spotting, thick and shiny hair, and dark skin (“Mask of pregnancy”). 

Tips to Deal With the 6th Week’s Pregnancy Symptoms

To deal with your increased bouts of early pregnancy symptoms, you might just have to take a few precautions. 

  • Wear supportive inners for your tender breasts. Don’t just wear it during the day, but at night also, while you’re going to bed.
  • You’re already on a balanced diet. Remember to include folates (prevent the chances of birth defects in your baby), and iron in your first-trimester pregnancy diet in considerable amounts. Having said that, you might have high-fibre food and plenty of fluids to keep your constipation reduced. Along with this, battle your morning sickness with small and frequent meals, or by drinking herbal tea. Don’t forget to start prenatal vitamins or multivitamins from this stage onwards.
  • Carry pregnancy-healthy snacks or biscuits to deal with your nausea or morning sickness.
  • Say no to coffee or any kind of caffeinated drinks. Coffee doesn’t filter through the placenta and might become a hindrance to your baby’s growth and development.
  • Fine-tune your taste buds with ginger capsules or lollipops. 
  • Start exercising with your doctor’s advice from this stage for your health and the healthy growth of your baby. Maybe brisk walking and prenatal yoga can help deal with your physical and mental ups and downs at this stage. 
  • Join antenatal classes and learn everything about your pregnancy at this stage.
  • You might even purchase a few pregnancy journals and books to keep a record of everything that is going on around this stage of pregnancy.
  • Don’t miss out on your doctor’s appointment. Week–by–week track of your pregnancy will ensure your baby’s health and well-being. 

You’ve just set sail on your journey of embracing your motherhood. It is daunting as well as delightful. Being aware of them and taking care of yourself medically and naturally will be great. 

Enjoy your pregnancy!