Fifth Week, is The Time to Get a Positive Test

Welcome to the fifth week of pregnancy which is the beginning of second month and you’re just seven months to go. The embryo is still very tiny but growing at a fast pace. The first trimester of pregnancy is very important for the development of your child, so you need to bring the utmost care of yourself and your child.

Now about your baby

Your child is at this point the quantity of an orange seed. In fact, with a rudimentary head and a tail, just like a tadpole. But don’t care, in your future there’s no frog. You’re actually less than eight months away from holding in your arms a real prince (or princess). Your hCG hormone concentrations in your blood are now large enough to verify that you are getting a home pregnancy test while all this is occurring.

Coming to the symptoms of pregnancies

You might feel some back pain and cramps during this week.

You may have severe desire for your favourite meal or a good food aversion. You’d have to balance both this time. Like eating your favourite chocolate in small doses and then overlapping it with that green vegetable you despise. You may encounter cramps when you are 5 weeks old with signs that show that the embryo has correctly implanted into your uterus wrapping. It might also be because your uterus expands your ligaments and stretches them. If it is severe or too painful, however, you should consult your doctor immediately. You’re also expanding your kidney when you’re 5 weeks pregnant along with your stomach and uterus. It creates stress on your bladder and you may experience an enhanced desire to pee as a consequence. Do not attempt to keep it in order to prevent infection with the bladder. You may also feel an excessive saliva secretion in your mouth along with an uncomfortable stomach. This is due to the hormonal changes that come with pregnancy in your body. By chewing gum, you can keep your throat moist.

So, on a concluding note it is advisable to keep a keen notice about the symptoms of pregnancy. Unless you have any severe medical history that may complicate your pregnancy, your doctor might not ask you for an ultrasound test. But when you go for a visit, your doctor may tell you the size of your baby from your crown to tail, which will help you adjust your due date.