Pregnancy Insomnia: Get 9 Natural Home Remedies

Being just a month’s pregnant has snatched away those peaceful moments of “zzz” from you, at night? But did you know that pregnancy insomnia is common during pregnancy?

You will notice changes in your sleep schedule or pattern from the early stages of your pregnancy. Although the second trimester can give you some sense of relief, by the time you enter the third trimester, it’s not just the soaring hormones, and the previous problems leading to pregnancy insomnia, it’s the difficulty in finding a comfortable sleeping position that can also be one of the biggest causes of sleepless nights. Adding on to this, your weight (obese), age, and family history of insomnia can be responsible for your insomnia during pregnancy.

How To Fight Insomnia During Pregnancy Naturally?

If you leave your insomnia untreated, it can be a reason for a lot of worry for you. There is a possibility of your becoming hypertensive and depressive. That said, treating sleeplessness may be a challenge but not entirely impossible. Going to the doctor and taking sleeping pills would be an easy option for you, but that may be harmful for the baby, you’re nurturing inside. So, just a few significant lifestyle changes can help you improve your sleep pattern naturally.

Limit Your Caffeine and Chocolate Intake

As per the guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG), approximately 1 to 2 cups of coffee may not be harmful to you or your baby inside you. Having more than 2 cups of coffee may not just affect the foetal growth and heartbeat, but it will also lead to anaemia and sleep disruption. Along with the regular cups of coffee, say “No” to your chocolate cravings also. It has some amount of caffeine in it to disrupt your sleep. 

Eat Small, Light, and Early

Beware of not wolfing down your food, later in the evening. It may leave you awake for a large part of the night. Therefore, it is always better for you to eat in small amounts, and eat light as well as frequently. It is also good for you to eat early (much earlier than the routine time for you to sleep). Eating early or frequently can also keep your heartburn at bay.

Try Drinking Plenty of Water or Fluids During the Day

Drinking as much water or fluids as possible during the day will help you reduce your time of visiting the washroom at night repeatedly. This will automatically save your energy, and sleep time, slowly putting you to sleep. 

Start Exercising

Give yourself at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Brisk walking or taking prenatal yoga, as well as practising breathing techniques or relaxation methods, can improve your sleeping pattern.

Keep Your Room Dimmed and Listen to Some Soft Music

Consider darkening the room that you sleep in. Turn the lights off. Close the windows with curtains so that street lights cannot enter your room and listen to soft music. You will dose off slowly.

Make a Bedtime Routine

Apart from listening to some light music, reading something good and light, taking a warm bath, and getting a prenatal massage (just before going to bed) can help with your sleep pattern every day. Also, remember that you need to go to bed on time and go off to sleep at the right time.

Get Some Comfortable and Nicely Scented Pillows

Invest in a good pregnancy pillow, and just cosy up to a peaceful slumber. You can alternatively use a lavender-scented pillow to keep you relaxed. Moreover, lying flat on your back with this pillow can keep your heartburn at bay. Don’t forget to sleep on your left side with your knees bent comfortably. This will help reduce swelling in your feet and improve your blood circulation.

Say “no” to Negative Thoughts and Share Your Worries

Midpregnancy insomnia is linked with higher levels of anxiety. So, if you feel anxious, and your worry could be concerning anything – maybe the diminishing glow of your skin with the progression of your pregnancy, or your anxiety about your cute, cuddly baby growing inside you – such thoughts will not let you sleep. You can talk to your doctor about it. But at the same time, you can share your worries with the mummies-to-be in and around your neighbourhood. Also, exchanging a few good words can drive you away from negative thinking.

Ditch Your Screen Time While You’re in Bed

As you try to make yourself feel comfortable in your bed at bedtime, try not to spend time browsing through your mobile screen or tablet or e–reader. Prolonged exposure to your blue-screen time alters your hours of sleep. It is always better to switch off your screens at least an hour before you go to bed.

Give your body and mind enough rest before your baby arrives. And don’t forget to follow our blog page to get more information on pregnancy, postpartum, baby care, and the benefits of cord blood banking.