Pregnancy Care Tips to Help You Breeze Through Winter

With infections, cough and cold in the air, winter months can be harsh for most people. It’s no different for pregnant women. If you’re one of them, it’s even more important for you to stay safe so that your baby enjoys a healthy and happy winter. Let’s find out what you can do protect yourself and your baby in these months.

1) Get Comfy with a Jacket

Depending on which part of India you live in; winters can get quite harsh. So, wrap yourself in a cosy winter jacket to protect yourself from the cold. If you’re quite far along in your pregnancy, don’t try to squeeze into your regular winter coat. Get a comfortable sweater instead.

2) Water is Your Warrior

This is true all year round, but more so during winters. Since it’s chilly, you may not have thirst for water as you do in the summers, but your body needs the extra hydration. Dehydration during pregnancy can also lead to preterm labour or several other problems. So, it’s not only good for you – it’s good for your baby too. Don’t substitute water with beverages though, as water is the best and only way to keep your body hydrated.

3) Hand Hygiene is a Must

Whether you’ve left your house or not, your hands, if unwashed, are covered with germs, which could cause an infection. The simplest way to avoid this is to wash your hands regularly. If a handwash isn’t readily available, use a hand sanitizer instead.

4) Exercise Regularly

Staying fit during winter is as important as it is throughout the rest of the year. But chilly winter mornings and evenings can cause laziness. However, it would be best if you continued your exercises through these months. If it’s too cold for you to head out for a walk, opt for an adequate indoor exercise instead.

5) Keep Plenty of Moisturizer at Home

Your skin changes throughout your pregnancy. Now mix that with the chilly winter breeze, and it can lead to your skin getting dry and lifeless. To avoid your skin becoming flaky and itchy when dry, have a bath in lukewarm water and apply moisturizer immediately after. The warm water opens your pores so the moisturizer can seep into your skin and leave it soft and smooth. Your elbows, knees, hands, belly and chest will need more moisturizer than the rest of your body.

6) Watch Your Diet

You need to consume food that helps build your immunity during these months. So, fresh fruits that are rich in Vitamin-C and green leafy vegetables are must-haves. You can also include saffron to your milk, which will keep your body healthy and warm.

7) Stay Clear of Pollution and Smoke

We know that it’s easier said than done, but pollution can significantly harm the little one growing inside of you. Unfortunately, smog settles lower down in the atmosphere during winter, making it almost inescapable. Still, you can avoid venturing out during early mornings and late evenings.

8) Probiotics Are Your Friend

You may not know it, but you could already be consuming probiotics in the food you eat like curds and buttermilk. The probiotics in these foods help keep your digestive system healthy. You can also have some probiotic supplements, but it’s best to consult your doctor before starting them.

Don’t fret too much about getting through winter when you’re pregnant. Take the right precautions, and you and your baby will be fit, happy and healthy.