Ways of Coping Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

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    Most of the pregnant women, especially during the first trimester, have nausea and vomiting. You may have morning sickness at any time of day. It doesn’t mean that your baby is sick, nor does it hurt the baby. The sudden increase in hormones in your body is likely to cause pregnancy nausea. It is usually mild and goes through your pregnancy around the middle of the way. During pregnancy, some women never feel nauseous.

    Morning sickness might be associated with vomiting. It is being thought that the morning sickness is a good sign of the growing placenta but as it is an irritating symptom there are several ways to help give you morning sickness relief.

    According to certain reports, in the period of their pregnancy as many as eight out of every ten pregnant women will feel nauseated at some point, and up to six out of every ten women will have vomiting related to pregnancy. A quarter of pregnant women end up suffering such severe morning sickness that they find it difficult to go to work and complete other daily activities.

    It is unknown the exact cause of this symptom of pregnancy. Although pregnancy is correlated with hormonal fluctuations, it has been proposed that hormones may be at fault. Many potential causes include blood pressure variations, changes in carbohydrate metabolism, or merely the huge physical and chemical changes that pregnancy triggers in the body.

    Here are some of the tips that will help you to cope up with morning sickness.

    • Getting plenty of physical rest and sleep.
    • Eat small, but frequent meals all day long. This is so that the stomach is never too full or empty, both of which may aggravate nausea feelings.
    • Consuming dry, salty or high-carbohydrate foods can help alleviate morning sickness.
    • Some women also suggest that the main meals should eat high protein snacks.
    • Avoiding nausea-aggravating foods. Commonly spicy and fatty foods can increase sickness feelings.
    • Eat cold foods because they are less aromatic than hot foods. This is useful for women whose smell of food triggers nausea.
    • Increase intake of fluid between meals rather than during meals. It may be easier to drink certain fluids such as sports drinks and diluted juices.
    • It has been shown that opting for foods or drinks that contain ginger to relieve nausea.
    • Take supplements with vitamin B6 as they have been shown to reduce nausea as well.
    • Wear wristbands for acupressure. Usually, these are used to fight movement sickness by stimulating an acupressure point inside your wrist, and some women find these wristbands to reduce morning sickness symptoms.

    While you are pregnant you must be dealing with morning sickness and many other pregnancy symptoms but still, you are excited about your baby. However, in all these excitement don’t forget about the health security of the baby and store your baby’s cord blood for future.