Managing Pregnancy For The Working Women

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    Obstetricians advices the pregnant women that they can work up to the sixth month of pregnancy. But during this time, they need to be more attentive to their physical, mental and emotional health. While you may face the most exciting event in your life, you also face new limits, important decisions, and issues that affect your identity, work, and home life.

    You’ll enjoy the duration of pregnancy. However, as it is not very short period of time, so you should make sure that you don’t get any stress. Keep away from you all the negative thoughts. Prepare all your work arrangements so you don’t get tension. Just think of welcoming a new family member and take care of yourself and your baby with these given points.

    • When you leave for work, carry food and water with you. It’s good to eat home-made food. This will keep away digestion infections and other ailments.
    • Take a few breaks during work. Just try sitting down and chatting with a friend or taking steps for a brisk walk. Try to breathe deeply and move carefully.
    • Keep a good posture. Healthy sitting position keeps your body in good condition. Sometimes you may find your feet swollen. For relaxation, you can put them on any stool or other elevated position.
    • Avoid your body’s strenuous movement often. Try avoiding the stairs and going to the lift. Make sure your energy is stored and you don’t get tired quickly.
    • This is also going to be mentioned by your doctor. Cigarettes or strong coffee must be avoided. Your baby is harmful to nicotine and caffeine.
    • Don’t go on bumpy roads for rides. Your body’s delicate condition won’t take it easily. Bumps and holes on the roads are going to give the little one unnecessary jerk and can be harmful.
    • Drink plenty of water and fresh juices. Never move to take hard drinks. Hydration of your system will keep you away from painful cramps. If properly hydrated, the body will not feel flatulent and nauseous.

    It is essential for pregnant women to understand that sitting idle at home during pregnancy is not recommended medically, and therefore going to work is important not only for the job, but also for you and your pregnancy. Gynaecologists strongly vow to lead the life you were accustomed to when you conceived, throughout the entire span of pregnancy, unless you have any specific complications.

    However, despite of going to work you make sure that every night you must sleep for at least seven to nine hours. Resting on both sides will improve your baby’s blood flow and help prevent swelling. Place pillows between your legs and under your belly to gain extra comfort.