Treat Dark Circles During Pregnancy Naturally: An Essential Guide

Pregnancy may be a time when both you and your family might feel elated, but pregnancy comes with many challenges like swelling, migraine, pigmentation, morning sickness, etc. The occurrence of dark circles is also common during your pregnancy.

However, there’s no reason for you to worry about it. All you need to do is understand why do you get dark circles during your pregnancy and how can you get treated. So:

Why Do You Get Dark Circles During Your Pregnancy?

Although melasma, which is also referred to as skin darkening during pregnancy (that is the skin around your upper lip, cheekbones, forehead, your underarms, and inner thighs); is one of the main reasons for the emergence of dark circles in your pregnancy; however, several other underlying factors contribute to them. The soaring pregnancy hormones (estrogen and progesterone), thyroid disorders, stress factors, and insufficient sleep are the reasons behind the dark corners of your eyes.

How To Control The Dark Circles During Pregnancy?

Well! Try out these natural dark circle removal tips at home to lighten their appearance.

Apply Cucumber Directly On Your Skin or Prepare a Mask

At the outset, we need to mention here that cucumber is very good for pregnancy. It is rich in water and consuming cucumber during pregnancy keeps dehydration away. Additionally, having cucumber can reduce your chances of pregnancy constipation and can keep your mood elevated. This is also good food for removing your dark circles. Experts will suggest you slice the cucumbers and leave them on your eye bags for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, wash the eyes with lukewarm water. You can alternately, prepare a mask with cucumber and lemon juice. Grate the cucumber, mix it with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, dip a cotton pad in this mix and apply it to your eyes.

Have Grounded Turmeric or Prepare a Mask

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties. You can have it fresh, dried, or grounded or mix it with curries and other dishes. A little bit of curcumin is good for you and the developing baby inside you. You can also apply some grounded or battered turmeric directly to your skin or mix it with pineapple juice). This is an effective dark circle removal treatment, while you’re expecting.

How About Some Sliced Potatoes?

During pregnancy, you can experiment with potatoes by having them boiled, deliciously baked, or roasted. Potatoes not just offer dietary fiber and carbohydrates to your pregnant body, but can also nourish your sunken and darkish eyes. How? You can slice them and put them directly on your eyes to minimize the discolouration underneath. You can also peel the potatoes, mix the skin with olive oil, or coconut oil and milk (to prepare a juice or paste and apply around the dark corners of your eyes. Potatoes act as a natural bleaching agent for your skin.

Aloe Vera Is Good For The Dark Circles

Aloe vera with honey will boost collagen production and reduce pigmentation.

“Gulab Jal” or Rosewater Is Also Helpful

Applying rose water can helps in reducing the patchy dark circles and evenly tones your skin colour as it possesses antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Don’t Throw Away The Tea Bags!

Use the tea bags to reduce your dark circles. Dilated blood vessels below the eyes may play a part in dark circles. Holding a cold tea bag over the area may make the vessels constrict. It can be any tea – black, green or white.

Get Some Rest

Sleep-deprivation during pregnancy is one of the many reasons you might develop dark circles. Ensure that you do some yoga and practice meditation to make you feel stress-free, help you rest, help you glow and reduce your dark circles.

Also, make sure that you don’t miss your prenatal doctors visit to be more careful about your skin pigmentation during your pregnancy and read our blogs to gather some more knowledge on pregnancy, postpartum, baby care, and cord blood banking.