Tips About Breastfeeding for Your Little One

Nursing a newborn baby is a difficult task and you must be very careful while feeding your baby. Do not worry. We are here to help you with some of the tips for breastfeeding your li’l one.

Breastfeeding Immediately After Birth

Cuddle your baby over your chest. When you and your child are attached to the skin, the reflexes of the production of milk and the baby’s feeling are initiated. This implies that the child will begin looking for the breast and more milk are produced from breasts. In the first hour after conception, babies are often more interested in breastfeeding. Stay with your child skin to skin after a good breastfeed. This will assist keep the child hot and decrease stress, assisting both of you to heal from childhood.

Gap of Breastfeeding

Whenever Baby seems starving or cries, offer your breast milk. This could be every two hours, or even more frequently in the first few weeks. If a baby sleeps up to four hours and it  is under the age of 6 weeks, wake up the baby for feeding.

Timespan of Feeding

Many  mothers may wonder how much is needed for breastfeeding. Some children feed rapidly and take 10 or 15 minutes to complete. Others sleep in between  breastfeeding and need to be awakened, expanding the feeding time to 40 minutes. But breastfeeding is an issue for less than 10 minutes or more than 40 minutes; test for indications that Baby is truly receiving milk. Look for the sucking of milk or wet diapers.

Get Comfortable

As you are going to spend some amount of time holding the baby closer, you must be sitting in a supported position. It will help you to get comfortable and you can feed your baby for a longer period.

Let The Baby Find Their Position

While breastfeeding allows your baby to find the best position for them to get feed. You must pay attention to this position and this will help to give comfort as well as make it easier for the baby while feeding.

Leaking Milk is Normal

Don’t get conscious about the leaking of milk during the first few weeks as it is normal. It generally happens whenever the baby cries or when you think more about your baby.

Caring Of The Skin As the skin of your breasts is very delicate you must take care of your skin. During breastfeeding, your skin might become dry, cracked and you may feel irritation. So you must take proper precautions during this period.

Sufficient Milk

Do not worry about the production of the milk because it depends upon the need of the baby. The sucking of the little baby will stimulate the release of prolactin hormone. This helps in the further stimulation of milk production.

Although we had mentioned some tips about breastfeeding, you must remember that every baby is different. So you must consult with a lactation consultant and you will get proper help regarding your baby’s behavior of feeding the breastmilk.