Dental Care During Pregnancy

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    Dental hygiene is essential to people of all ages and throughout their life.  However, at the time of pregnancy, it becomes more essential to look after your gums and teeth. This is because your gums can be affected by pregnancy hormones and become more vulnerable to bleeding.

    During pregnancy the gums become swollen and painful and when this happens gums become susceptible to infection that may lead to decay of the tooth. At this stage, you are also more prone to have a plaque (bacteria) build-up on your teeth.

    Women should make an attempt to clean their teeth more carefully and regularly in the first trimester as well as in the second trimester of pregnancy. Your dentist must have given you advice on how to clean your teeth and which is the brush, paste and also mouthwash best suitable for you.

    If you have not yet visited a dentist then immediately sign up at a dental clinic in the first trimester of pregnancy and go for frequent check-ups in the months of pregnancy.

    You cannot give any excuse for not doing a dental check-up. The reason behind is in some clinics or hospitals dental care is free from the moment of confirmation of your pregnancy straight to the first birth of your child. All you need is your physician, midwife or health visitor’s maternity certificate.

    A severe infection of the gum such as gingivitis or periodontal disease mainly occurs in the first or second trimester may not affect the health of your baby. However, it shows a warning that your pregnancy health is not proper and your diet is not proper. This can further lead to improper development of the child and may affect the health of your baby.

    Tips to care for your gums:

    • Even there is bleeding in your gums, the teeth must be brushed. If your gums are sore, use a smooth brush.
    • Plaque may lead your gums more susceptible to bleeding. Brush your teeth for two minutes, morning and night, to remove plaque as much as possible.
    • Electrical brushes are better than manual brushes to remove plaque and stuck food particles. For that, you have to follow the instructions and use them correctly.
    • Use floss or mini brushes to clean your teeth at least three times a week to remove accumulated plaque and food.
    • Visit your dentist regularly for removal of stains and plaque in the first trimester as well as in the second trimester.
    • Drink plenty of water that will help you to remove debris and acid from the mouth. Tap water contains fluoride that enables to create stronger enamel.
    • Eat calcium-rich food such as cheese and other milk products. These foods will help to avert demineralization (enamel breakdown). When we consume cheese and it is broken down in our mouth then it generates its alkalinity. This alkaline in our mouth helps to fight the acid that causes the decay of the tooth.
    • Reduce the consumption of sugar. This sugar and other carbohydrate are the growing field of bacteria that cause decaying of tooth.

    Hence it can be said that to proper care of your teeth during pregnancy as this is a part of your body and you must take care of the health of your body.