Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

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    During your pregnancy, you and your child can enjoy many wonderful advantages if you continue exercising. During the pregnancy, only 5 percent of pregnant women exercises. This is a very bad statistic, particularly when all the information demonstrating that pregnancy training is completely secure for both mother and child. Pregnant women should be motivated for doing exercise.

    Many females are just too sedentary in the day to day life and due to an absence of fitness, many complications occur in pregnancy and birthing process. There is absolutely no justification for you not to practice throughout your pregnancy if you are healthy and have a normal pregnancy.

    If you are pregnant, you need not do rigorous exercise always exercise. All exercises must be specific and associated with pregnancy. If you train yourself in a gym or under a trainer, you will have experience with pre-natal and post-natal exercises.

    Here are 6 benefits of exercising

    1. Exercise improves the energy level of your life due to the hormone reaction of your body occurs due to exercise.
    2. Exercise can decrease pregnancy symptoms, such as weakness and fatigue, by increasing your blood pressure.
    3. You should concentrate on your body posture when you practice specifically through your pregnancy. You’ll have more space for the baby to develop and move if you can enhance your position. Later in your pregnancy, you will also feel more relaxed. Enhancing the strength of your body reduces the extra load of pregnancy.
    4. Labour pain can be mild to very extreme and you need the strength both emotionally and physically to proceed with extended labor and birth. A strong and fit mum-to-be reduces her chances of taking medicines during delivery and decreases the likeliness of doing a “C” section by 30%.
    5. Depending on your baby’s size, if you exercise through pregnancy, you can bear anything from 8-15 kg. Approximately 3-4 kgs of baby’s weight, other fluids, blood, amniotic fluid, placenta and bone should be added to your weight.  It is difficult for the body to adjust with the modifications in your pregnancy without adding excessive weight on the body.
    6. It is shown that people who exercise during pregnancy have improved blood flow to the placenta which provides benefit for the placental and fetal growth.

    The advantages of doing exercises during your pregnancy are more than the side effects of exercising during pregnancy. Make sure you always receive advice from an experienced trainer who deals with pregnant women.

    If during exercise you feel some pain or discomfort then stop it immediately. If the pain persists then consult with a gynaecologist or any general physician.

    Author Bio:

    Author Bio: Ratnadip Roychowdhury, a health blogger loves to write blogs and guest post on different topics of healthcare. She loves to write blogs on pregnancy tips, stem cell therapy and treatment of diseases by stem cell banking. The author emphasizes upon the reputation of remaining aware about the contents.