Week 21 – Your Baby Bump Is Fully Grown

At 21 weeks, you are in your sixth month of pregnancy and your belly has fully grown. This is the correct time to decide the name of your baby. If you didn’t pick up any name, then you can find one at baby name generator page. You might be feeling more activities than normal as your baby is growing day by day.

Your baby at this week

Your baby size of a carrot, length 10 ½ inches, weight 12 ¾ ounces.During this week, the eyelids of your baby is completely formed. Inside the womb it is continuously moving and swallowing the amniotic fluid. This amniotic fluid will help to develop the digestive tract of the baby.

Baby’s blood circulates completely, from placenta and back again in about 30 seconds. Babies in the womb often grasp and touch the umbilical cord. Babies constantly swallow amniotic fluid in the womb. Basic digestive metabolism begins in the womb where sugars in the amniotic fluid swallowed, are broken down.

Many babies hiccup in the womb and it is believed that swallowing amniotic fluid is a possible cause. Sucking and grasping are the two most commonly practiced reflexes in the womb as both are much needed for survival of newborn babies.

The arms and legs of the baby will be now in same proportion, the neurons are connected from the brain to the muscles and the cartilages are developed into bones.

Changes in your body

At 21 weeks, your baby bump is completely grown and this may cause certain changes in belly as well as the whole body.

  1. You might be having heartburn or indigestion which is caused by eating spicy foods. So, to reduce the discomfort, avoid eating such foods and if you are confused about the origin of discomfort then maintain your everyday list of food in a diary.
  2. You may feel some contractions in your uterus as your body is prepping for delivery. This type of contractions is known as Braxton Hicks contractions.
  3. As your belly increases your skin may cause itching due to the stretching of the skin. Apply ointment or body oil to soften your skin and it will reduce dryness and itch.
  4. As you skin gets pulled it becomes thinner and causes tears in the inner layer of skin this causes the stretch marks. These stretch marks remain visible and goes away slowly by time.
  5. Developing baby is responsible for putting extra strain on your back which is leading to backache. Also, the Relaxin hormone causes the bones to stretch and loose may also cause backache.
  6. If you got an oily skin then you will find some breakouts on your face, back and even on some other parts of the body. Just wah your face with mild face wash but do not use any tropical ointment as this will become harmful for the baby.

Pregnancy checklist at 21 weeks pregnant

  • Start sleeping on your side – If you’re not already, it’s a good idea to start sleeping on your side. To make side-sleeping more comfortable, try placing a pillow between your legs, under your belly, and behind your back.
  • Check your rings – It’s common to have some swelling in your fingers as your pregnancy progresses. If your rings are feeling snug, do yourself a favor and take them off now before they get stuck. One alternative: Wear them on a chain close to your heart.
  • Food Habbits – Vitamin C will help your body absorb the iron. Avoid tea and coffee though, because they can stop the iron being absorbed. Specifically, eggs, peas, beans and soya foods such as tofu are good sources of iron and protein and are good choices as meat replacements. It is also important to eat at least four portions of calcium-rich foods a day. If you avoid dairy products then this can be found in dark green vegetables such as kale and spinach as well as in dried fruit, nuts and seeds.

Tips for this week

You can perform exercises of less impact such as walking, swimming and yoga. You may find swelling at your feet or ankles, occurs due to excessive flow of blood. So, keep your legs elevated while sitting it will reduce the swelling of the legs.

For working women: If you are a working lady, then you may plan now for taking maternity leave. Generally, the duration of maternity leave can be taken up to 26 weeks.

You can avail this leave from 8 weeks prior to your estimated due date and rest of the leaves can be availed post birth. If your leave period of 26 weeks had expired then you may avail the option of work from home, but is completely depending upon the employer. For availing this leave you have to give a prior notice to the company to inform when you will stop working and mention the date of starting your maternity leave. [Note: May vary from one company to another]

Hopefully you have got an idea about the development of both you and your baby during this week. Keep visiting to know some more interesting things about your pregnancy.