Steps To Reduce Infections During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is undoubtedly a wonderful phase in your life. You change your diet, change your lifestyle a little, and get pampered by friends and family members. Well! Pregnancy comes with its share of discomforts and challenges. You’re more susceptible to infections during the entire pregnancy journey. Why? Pregnancy infection occurs as your immune system is compromised. The surging pregnancy hormones make you more vulnerable to catching infections during pregnancy. Your body is weaker during labour and delivery. You’re  more likely to contract infections like bacterial vaginosis, group B strep, Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Urinary tract infections.

However, when you have problems during pregnancy, solutions are there too. So, you can take steps to reduce your infections during pregnancy.

How to Avoid Infections During Pregnancy?

Here’s what you can do to protect yourself and the baby inside you: 

Be Hygienic

Washing your hands regularly before or after certain activities like visiting the bathroom, preparing and eating food, if you’re around sick people and blowing your nose. Daily hand washing removes germs, doesn’t make you fall sick, and prevents pregnancy-related infections. You must wash your hands with soap and water for hygienic purposes. But, if soap and water are not available, you should use hand sanitiser gel.

Avoid Unpasteurised Milk, Milk Products and Prepare Your Meal, Until It Is Well Cooked

Try not to eat soft cheese for example feta, brie, and queso fresco, till such time that you see the label of pasteurised mentioned on the packet. Cook your chicken at 1650F (740C). Prepare beef and pork at 1450F (630C). Try not to eat processed food like hot dogs or deli meats. Unpasteurised milk, and milk products have Listeria bacteria in them, increasing the chances of miscarriage or stillbirth.

Stay Away From People Who Have Chickenpox or Rubella

If you contract chickenpox or rubella virus infection during pregnancy, you might be at the risk of suffering from pneumonia, developing pregnancy complications like miscarriage and there might be birth defects in the baby inside you. Therefore, to treat yourself from chickenpox or rubella infection during pregnancy stay away from the people who are affected by it. 

Keep Yourself Protected From Zika Virus, Malaria and Dengue

We know that, you’ve always loved to travel. If you feel like traveling during your pregnancy, take your doctor’s permission, and save yourself from traveling to places that are affected by zika virus, malaria and dengue. Mosquitoes pass this virus to you and the baby growing inside you. Your baby may have birth defects during pregnancy. Additionally, use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered insect repellents.

Home and Medical Remedies For UTI Symptoms During Pregnancy

Changes in the pregnancy hormones and the pressure of the growing foetus on the bladder are the reasons why you might experience UTI symptoms during pregnancy.

urinary tract infection symptoms in pregnancy
Source: Shutterstock

Symptoms of UTI Infections During Pregnancy

  • Frequent bathroom visits
  • fever
  •  vomiting
  • Feeling of pain or burnt sensation in the urine. 

Follow these home and medical remedies

Also, take your doctor’s advice who will take you through a course of antibiotics to treat this condition. 

How to Treat Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

Uncontrolled diabetes, and your partners are some of the common cause for yeast infection during early pregnancy. Additionally, the soaring pregnancy hormones can cause yeast infection during the later stage of pregnancy. Such an infection can make you feel: 

  • itchy
  • getting a burned sensation
  • white and odourless, redness and swelling in the vagina. 

Do these things to treat yeast infections in pregnancy:

  • wear comfy cotton underwear
  • avoid douches, perfumes or sprays and harsh soaps in the genital area
  • Use mild soaps 
  • Have probiotics like yogurt
  • Keep your blood sugar under check 

Remember, infections during pregnancy cannot go away in a jiffy. Have patience, follow the above-mentioned simple steps to reduce your infection during your pregnancy, and don’t miss your prenatal doctor visits. Follow our blog page, to get more information on pregnancy and cord blood banking.