Prenatal Yoga Poses: First Trimester to the Last

Congratulations!!! You must be feeling happy, anxious as well as scared. Some of you may be glowing, but at the same time, the cramps can make you feel weak.  This feeling of nurturing a life inside you cannot be explained in words. Isn’t that true? 😊

Of course, embracing motherhood is a sweet – n – sour journey till such time that you hold your little one in your arms. To keep the symptoms in balance, you must keep consulting the doctor to incorporate the right kind of diet and include low–impact exercise and yoga asanas in your pregnancy regime regularly.

With international yoga day approaching, you must remember a few things.

What Yoga Postures For Pregnancy Will Suit You Best?

Basically, the yoga asanas for your pregnancy are purely based on the health of your pregnancy. As per your healthcare practitioner, and some of the experts from the American Pregnancy Association you will always be advised to attend pregnancy-safe yoga classes. If by chance, you aren’t able to go to the prenatal yoga classes, you can take the help of your yoga trainer at home.

First Trimester Yoga Poses and Their Benefits

As you start practising yoga asanas from the first trimester of your pregnancy, you feel nice and happy both physically and mentally. You can also feel stress–free in your lower back and hips. Moreover, you can keep the symptoms of the first trimester at bay. Therefore, some of the yoga asanas suitable for the first trimester of your pregnancy are:

  • Head-to-knee forward bend (Janu sirsasana)
  • Wide-angle seated forward bend (Upavistha konasana)
  • Cat-cow pose (Marjaryasana to Bitilasana)

Second Trimester Yoga Poses and Their Benefits

By the time you proceed to your second trimester, the symptoms of your first trimester fade away. But you need to practice yoga as from this trimester itself, you keep yourself ready for your baby’s birth and become more flexible. Furthermore, in this trimester to keep your muscles, ligaments, and tendons relaxed, practice yoga asanas like: 

  • Bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana)
  • Child’s pose (Balasana)
  • Triangle pose (Trikonasana)
  • Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)

Third Trimester Yoga Poses and Their Benefits

As you enter the phase of your third trimester, taking up a few yoga asanas during the third trimester can be a little tricky. After you have a big baby bump, the pressure on your belly can make your breathing and moving difficult. So, here are a few easy–to–go yoga asanas to help you during your third trimester:

  • Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
  • Garland pose (Malasana)
  • Easy pose (Sukhasana)
  • Side corpse pose (Parsva Savasana)

These are some of the third-trimester classic yoga asanas that will help you in various ways:

  • Strengthening your entire body
  • Opening your hips
  • Helping in your digestion 
  • Reducing your back pain 
  • Improving your blood circulation.
yoga poses during pregnancy

Why Should You Do Yoga During Pregnancy? 

Prenatal yoga is a natural way to help you take care of your body holistically. By doing yoga during your pregnancy, you can be benefitted in various ways: 

Practice yoga daily – right from the 1st trimester. Continue doing them throughout your pregnancy journey till such time that you deliver the baby.  But, do not overdo it. Listen to your body. Pay heed to how you are feeling, while you’re performing your activities. Take rest whenever you are feeling tired. Drink water in between your exercises as you might feel thirsty. If you want any more information on pregnancy, postpartum, baby care, and the benefits of cord blood banking, follow our blog page, regularly.