Labor Positions For a Comfortable Delivery

As you count down the days till you meet your little one, you’re also getting ready for the last stage of your pregnancy – labor and delivery. While it is believed that lying on your back with legs spread wide is the best position for labor and delivery, there are a variety of labor positions that you can choose. Rotating between different labor positions can make you comfortable and also possibly speed up delivery.

Let’s understand a few of these positions which you can try:

Standing and Walking

This position uses gravity to encourage your baby to move deeper into your birth canal. It also reduces back pain and makes contractions easier. It is suggested that you lean against a wall or take the support of your partner while standing. You can also walk during early stages of labor, but this will get difficult you’re your contractions speed up. Is it possible to stand during, delivery? That would be tricky.

Slow Dancing

It has the same advantages as standing, but it is more restful since the music will help you. Your birthing partner can provide support and also rub your back. This position will help your baby to descend.


This position can be used in late labor, as it relieves backaches, uses gravity, helps to open your pelvis for birth and allows your baby to rotate to the ideal delivery position. It is also recommended if you get too tired to push. You can take the support of your partner or use a chair or bar to squat.


If you are too tired, take a seat on a birthing ball/chair or even a toilet seat, which will help relax your perineum muscles This will allow you to get some rest and also allows your partner to give you a relaxing back massage. The position helps to relieve the pressure on your pelvis.


This position helps to open the pelvis. You can lean forward by putting one leg on a chair or birthing ball when you feel a contraction. This will give your baby more room to descend.

Kneeling on Your Hands and Knees

This is a very popular position as it relieves pressure from your back, and will also help you get some rest. Furthermore, it allows your baby to rotate in a posterior position and makes it easier for your partner to give you a back massage.


It is one of the best positions when you need to rest as it helps to lower your blood pressure. It is considered to be better than lying on your back as it won’t compress your veins and will allow good blood flow to your baby. It is also helpful to slow down a fast birth.

There is no one position that is the best for everyone, as every mother and child react differently to every position. Choose the position in which you feel the most comfortable. It is always better to talk to your doctor beforehand about your options and choose the one which will be the most suitable and comfortable for you. During labor, your doctor will monitor changes to your baby’s heart and might suggest a change in position. Remember that as much as you read up on different positions and even try them out, it’s only when you’re in actual labor that you will be able to decide what’s best for you.