This February Let’s Put Spotlight on Prenatal Infection Prevention

What is Prenatal Infection? Prenatal infection is triggered because of a bacteria or virus that gets passed from a mother to her baby during the time of pregnancy or delivery. Prenatal infections comprise of bacterial or viral illnesses, which gets passed from a mother to her baby while the baby is in uterus, during delivery, or instantly after birth.

February is International Prenatal Infection Prevention month and so we decided to make people aware of this serious issue with the intention to safeguard our babies from the upsetting results of prenatal infections.

Prenatal Infection Prevention is vital for the security of your baby. It is necessary to govern the physical & emotional happiness of the child in the womb, after birth, and as the child grows up. These pre-emptive precautions not only helps in protecting the unborn child but also the mother. Prevention methods include assisting the expectant mother with correct advice about nutrition, food handling practices, regular hygiene habits, & good hygiene if you have pets.

Let us look at some of the diseases that can be transferred to your kid because of prenatal infection

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a contagious virus that leads to liver damage and is a primary cause of chronic liver disease & cirrhosis. Roughly 20,000 infants that are born each year gets tested positive for hepatitis B virus. Infants are at acute risk of developing hepatitis B infection because of the exposure to the blood of their mother during delivery.


Group B streptococcus (GBS) infection is one of the major bacteria that causes infection & death in new-born infants. However, the mortality rates have declined after the introduction of antibiotics to women exposed to the risk during labor in 1980s. In women, GBS can lead to vaginitis & urinary tract infections. GBS can also lead to fatal diseases like pneumonia, meningitis, & more other infections.

Rubella (German Measles)

Rubella is a virus that leads to German measles. German measles causes rash, fever, & symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection. Majority of people gets exposed to Rubella during childhood and they become immune to it once they develop antibodies with age.

Now let’s look at some of the methods that will help in preventing prenatal infection & aid in pregnancy care:

  • Have less intake of under-cooked, cured or raw meats
  • Avoid cross-contamination while cooking & make sure you wash your cutting board properly
  • Do less of gardening & handling soil. Stay away from vegetables & sprouts
  • Make sure to drink boiled or filtered water
  • Do not consume unpasteurized products
  • Wash your hands as soon as you are done cooking, touching your face, nose, mouth, & pets.