Provide Health Security by Saving Your Baby’s Cord Blood

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    The blood that remains during birth in the umbilical cord is called cord blood. This blood is normally discarded. However, cord blood bank uses amenities to store and preserve a baby’s cord blood. If you are considering to store the cord blood of your baby, be sure to use a cord blood bank accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB).

    The cord blood of your baby is an abundant source of HLA matched stem cells for your baby and family. Stem cells are pluripotent cells as they help to develop all body tissues, organs, and systems.

    Stem cells can transform into other types of cells in the body to create new growth and development. They are the building blocks of the immune system as well. The transformation of these cells provides a way for doctors to treat leukaemia and certain inborn health disorders.

    The stem cells collected from the baby’s cord blood can also be effective in treating certain diseases or conditions of a parent or sibling. Stem cells extracted from the umbilical cord blood have similar ability as bone marrow to treat the disease, with less rejection. Banking a baby’s cord blood and stem cells in a cord blood bank is a type of insurance. You may need to access your baby’s stem cells for treating any kind of medical illness. However, using a cord blood bank can give you peace of mind when you know that you have a valuable resource if you need it.

    Cord blood collection process is safe and painless as it is done after the birth of the baby. It usually takes less than five minutes to complete the whole process. Cord blood collection does not disrupt the process of delivery and it is possible collect in case of both vaginal and caesarean deliveries.

    Cord blood can only be collected during the first 15 minutes of birth and is kept in the storage bag covered with cooling pads. It is then sent to the laboratory within 72 hours for further processing. The baby’s cord blood is processed and stored in a lab called a blood bank. This processed cord blood is stored in a bank which had been accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) to store the stem cells.

    Cord blood banking usually involves two fees. The first is the initial fee for enrolment in the company and the second fee is taken for the collection, processing and storage of the sample. However, this structure of fee differs according to different company which you will come to know after you go through the details of the pricing of a company.

    As a leading of all the private cord blood banking companies, we had dedicated ourselves from last 18 years in serving the people of Southeast Asia. With our corporate office and laboratory in Kolkata, we are the only company using AXP®II technology for processing the cord blood. We are the only company providing stem cells of all the three lines which includes haematopoietic, mesenchymal and epithelial cell lines.

    Our offers are unique such as to provide supplementary sample where there would be a mismatch with the required and the stored sample; providing alternate sample when the sample that is stored cannot be used due to detection of traits for genetic diseases; and providing additional sample, if there is a shortage of required sample.

    Last but not the least if you are willing to secure the heath of your baby as well as the family then you can opt for our services and enjoy the benefit of exclusive rights to own your sample.