Celebrate the Feeling of Becoming Mother on the Mother’s Day!

“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity; it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path. – Agatha Christie”

 It’s an auspicious day of celebrating a bond between the mother and the baby. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in most countries including the United States, Australia, Canada and India. Despite of difference in the date for Mother’s Day in the world, the feelings never change.

It is time to appreciate and give exclusive attention on Mother’s Day to the pregnant lady.

The baby that grows strong and beautiful inside you has a heartbeat and is your baby. The world may not have a connection with this little life, but you do. You’re his mummy. You’ve been worrying about every little movement or lack of it; wondering what it looks like; dreaming about and thinking upon names for your precious bundle of joy; making sacrifices to ensure that she is as healthy and safe as possible.

If you and your better half decide to announce your pregnancy to friends and family soon— think about doing it on Mother’s Day. Couples traditionally maintain their mother’s pregnancy until after the first trimester, where the risk of miscarriage declines. But spreading the news before the 12-week mark, even as soon as they get that big fat positive, is becoming common for moms-to-be.

“Whatever you decide to do on this Mother’s Day, be sure you celebrate, you Mama! Celebrate Mother’s Day while pregnant! You are very much a mother and this day is for you just as much as it is for the Mama of 2 children.”